Nov 19, 2008

Coral Ridge, Imperial Point won't let economy dampen their holiday festivals

Despite a weak economy, two Fort Lauderdale neighborhoods in the spirit of "to heck with the bad news" are going all out this year with holiday festivals that may make residents a bit more merry.

Coral Ridge Association Inc. President Betsy Dow said the association isn't concerned about finances right now. Its upcoming children's Holiday Festival will be paid for with association money assessed from members over the past year.

"We're not toning anything down," Dow said.

Residents will get their annual party from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 at George English Park, 1101 Bayview Drive. Dow said the festival will feature its usual style, and should go off without a hitch.

Coral Ridge Association Social Director Pam Coleman, said the party will feature a rock climbing wall, bounce house, and maybe a special appearance by the Fort Lauderdale Police Department's Mounted Patrol.

Elsewhere, the Imperial Point neighborhood is putting the final touches on its annual holiday party known as the "Winter in the Park Festival," organized by its homeowners association. In the past, the neighborhood has seen a few celebrities drop in including news anchor Jim Lehrer and his camera crew. However, this year's stars will likely be the children.

The main feature now will be the hayride, said Association President Betty Shelley, with little horses pulling the hay wagon.

"[We] have a large slide with snowflakes falling over it, and a little train," Shelley said.

The "Winter in the Park Festival," complete with food, live music and countless holiday lights, is set for 6 p.m. Dec. 12 at Dottie Mancini Park, 6400 NE 22nd Ave., just behind Imperial Point Hospital. The park was formerly known as Imperial Point Park, but was rededicated earlier this year.

For information on the Coral Ridge Festival call 954-564-4784. For "Winter in the Park Festival" information call 954-938-9230.


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Coral Ridge, Imperial Point won't let economy dampen their holiday festivals

Fort Lauderdale Blog and Real Estate News
Rory Vanucchi