Jan 18, 2006

Boomer Migration Trends

This post was taken from Luxury Sarasota Living

Here's the link to the article: Boomer Boom

The oldest of the nation's 78 million baby boomers, those born in 1946, will turn 65 in 2011. The youngest, those born in 1964, turn 65 in 2029. Based on current population trends, more than 200 baby boomers will move to Florida every day during the boomer retirement years, beginning in 2011 and continuing thru 2029.

Experts on retirement trends say sharp increases in the state's housing costs and the busy hurricane seasons of the past two years have done little to diminish interest in the Sunshine State as a retirement destination.
Sarasota area builders and developers, are convinced that millions of baby boomers will retire to Florida during the next two decades, insulating the state from any downturns in the nation's housing market.

On roughly the same note, United Van Lines recently released its 29th annual “migration” study that tracks where its customers, over the last 12 months, moved from and the most popular destinations. While the mountain Western states showed the most inbound popularity, with Oregon (63.6%) continuing its 18-year, high-inbound trend and having the highest inbound migration of all states in the study, Florida (54.2%) has been inbound since the survey commenced but this year marked the lowest number of relocations to the state since 2000.

Builders bet on boomer boom [Sarasota Herald Tribune]
United Van Lines Releases 2005 Migration Study [United Van Lines]

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