Dec 30, 2005

local scene - building restrictions?

recent article in the sun-sentinal.
follow the link for the full article:

Lighthouse Point may ban huge, boxy ‘McMansions’ by limiting second stories

By Susannah Bryan
Staff Writer
Posted December 28 2005

Cities have entered the fray to preserve the character of neighborhoods, reining in the scale of homes by regulating size and shape.

Lighthouse Point may join their ranks and dictate the size and shape of two-story homes by requiring that builders make the second floor smaller than the first.

A proposed city law would force more architectural detail and prevent homes from looking massive and boxy, said Mayor Fred Schorr.

"We need to take the city back from the developers," Schorr said. "We're trying to look ahead 20 years. We want to develop a city that is kind of ageless. Once the house is built, it's too late."

If the measure passes, Lighthouse Point would become the first Broward County city to require that new homes be built with the second floor set back from the first, creating an effect similar to layers on a wedding cake.

Other South Florida cities, including Bal Harbour, Gulf Stream, Ocean Ridge and Palm Beach Shores, have passed similar laws.

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